Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Technology Thinks No Black or White

African Americans have been closed off to the notion of technology as their break from confinement. The technological world was kept secret from them. Technological advances seem to touch second base, but for African Americans the strife was to get in the game. The whole idea behind technological advancements is to reach farther more efficiently. This efficiency component often throws out the human physical aspect of hard labor and appeals to the mental instead.

Now, African Americans, before the civil war, were looking for the privilege of "freedom", where as Europeans claimed this "freedom". The most basic of human needs were already met for Europeans; their physical freedom. Physically they had the freedom to obtain food, water, clothing and shelter. This laid the foundation so that Europeans may focus on expanding towards mental endeavors. On the other hand, African Americans were in the dark to this type of mental exploration, for they "needed" to secure their physical existence first.

I think African Americans value physical achievement more so than European whites, or of the like, because of this deeply imbedded drive to own their physical rights. Physical pursuits instead of mental ones, fundamental reassure people of the African American culture, thus providing yet another basic need; safety. If African Americans can feel safe and secure while taking on physical tasks, then it's no wonder they have not fully grasped the appeal of technology.

It is only a matter of time, however, for African Americans to feel fully safe in their environment. Once the time of the past is matched by the healing of the present, African Americans will be able to build mentally and technologically at the same rate as European whites, for the laws of the technological world defy the laws of the physical world. They only need be understood, and applied, there is no color discriminate.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting take, but I'm not sure if it holds up under scrutiny. I don't think that the mental and the physical can be separated so clearly. Surely we all seek physical stability (food, shelter, safety, etc) and mental stimulation (education, entertainment, social interaction). We may have different ideas about physical stability and mental stimulation, but I think being human means that we are interested in both.
